Lee Jones Poker Book

The book's author, Lee Jones, also happens to be a manager of one of the online poker sites, so in this third edition he devotes a whole chapter to online poker which only received a few pages mention in the two previous editions. Winning Low-Limit Hold 'em by Lee Jones(2000 Paperback) Ten( 10)years old is the majority of the information of this Poker manual however it is very good. From beginner to mid-level playing level players, this book can and will get you started in the world of playing poker. “No one loves poker more than Lee Jones,” says Jason Somerville, along with everyone who knows Lee. I coach beginning and intermediate poker players on strategy and everything else. To get started, click here. Recent strategy articles. Don't Overpay for Flush Draws.

It was a long weekend in Vegas and some friends were sitting in a $2/$4 limit game. I hadn't seen some of these guys in months, so I sat down around 2am. After about 30 minutes, for lack of a better phrase, I remembered what I had forgotten.
As a player who pokes around in various poker limits, I sometimes forget there is a difference between $30/$60 and $2/$4. With all respect to Jesse May, a man for whom I hold no small amount of admiration, there is a difference greater than the color of the chips. In short, there is something to be said about winning at low-limit poker versus winning at medium or high limits.
Lee Jones says it best.
Perhaps it would've benefitted me to review a tried and true classic in the realm of poker writing. Lee Jones' Winning Low-Limit Hold'em is the first book every low-limit player should read.
I discovered today that Jones is about to release the third edition of his book.
'The five years since the second edition of Winning Low-Limit Hold'em came out have seen the greatest changes in the game of poker since the draw was invented around the Civil War,' Jones said. 'It was simply time to do a new edition.'
To the skeptics who sometimes avoid new editions: take notice. Jones' strategy section has gone through a major overhaul. Jones consulted with poker pros Barry Tanenbaum and Terrence Chan to improve both the the organization and the advice.
'They helped me clarify the ideas in many areas and corrected some suboptimal thinking on my part in others,' Jones said.
What's more, the book now reflects the huge online hold'em business (including micro-limit games). As most of you are aware, Jones is the Poker Room Manager for PokerStars.com and is no stranger to the business. There is a large chapter devoted to the mechanics of playing online and strategy adjustments for online play are mentioned throughout.
The third edition also features three brand new chapters devoted to no-limit hold'em sit and go's. The first chapter covers the basic mechanics of a S&G and how all-in's and side pots work. The second chapter is the meat of the material, covering strategy from the first hand that's dealt to heads-up play. The third chapter covers some miscellaneous but important S&G topics.
Jones suggests in these chapters something that many players have found to be true: One might be able to make more money on a fixed bankroll playing S&Gs than one can playing limit hold'em.
'I believe that the no-limit hold'em sit-and-go material is groundbreaking,' Jones said. 'To my knowledge, there is nothing like it in print.'
Lastly, the new edition has undergone some nice superficial changes, with a new cover design and some generous comments from Greg Raymer and Antonio Esfandiari.
PokerStars is getting in on the action. Now all shipments of Jones' book from the PokerStars.com Frequent Player Point store will come in the form of the third edition and, as always, will be signed by Lee Jones himself.
If you're a low-limit player and have yet to read Jones' book, do yourself a favor and pick up the latest edition (coming out very, very soon). Even if you play bigger, you might pick up a copy as well.
After all, you never know when you'll be sitting down at a $2/$4 game at two in the morning.

Many poker videos are either deep training videos or just a few minutes videos designed to hook in the viewer to either buy something or download a poker client. Both of these important poker tools have a location, all the need to play and the need for change.
There’s, and it’s called Simple Poker.

No real surprise should be the core of this fresh and exciting video series. For many years, Tommy Angelo has been teaching poker and writing many books on the subject, such as the phenomenally popular Poker Elements.

For many years, Lee Jones has been an industry insider with fair knowledge of PokerStars and poker stars, gleaning tidbits and insights over many years. The two men have combined to create a simple yet highly effective way to transfer information in their series to the poker fan and recreational player.


“We started it because we love teaching poker and we want poker to be a big tempt.” Tommy Angelo says, “Much of what you read now and what you see in videos and on websites make poker look very complex and sophisticated and difficult. Certainly, playing it at the very highest levels is but so many sports – poker, chess – can be enjoyed by playing it at a much more basic level.”

Angelo and Jones state quite clearly that ‘ 99 percent of poker players will never be and have no aspiration to be elite players, ‘ so it is clear that the pair is addressing that 99 percent of people who feel overwhelmed and intimidated by the material they see online.

“A lot of those players that play $1/$3, $2/$5 and $5/$10 are students of the game, we call them serious amateurs. When they learn poker these days, they’re inundated with a lot of graphs, a lot of charts and a lot of complexity. One of my favourite episodes – because of the title – is called ‘Folding Pocket Jacks Before the Flop’. If you look at that sentence from the view of GTO or other complicated means, you can’t ever get to that sentence because you always have to start with range vs. range.”


It is the common recreational man the two men want to reach, and both Angelo and Jones know how to speak to those with whom they share this common ground.

“When you’re talking to Joe Poker Player and he comes up to you and says ‘Hey I need advice, what the hell do I do with pocket jacks before the flop when I get three-bet?’, that’s a topic that can be broken down in meaningful way without ever looking at a chart. That’s what we’re trying to do, to choose topics that are widespread but viewers can watch a video in the morning and take it to the casino in the evening.”

As Lee Jones states, their videos ‘ lengths started with necessity, but they have become great bitesize bits of wisdom to give out every week.

Actor tommy lee jonesBook

“It started out as a logistical limit with the [technology] that we’re recording on being limited to 30 minutes of video. What we’ve come to realise is that editing time is linear with the length of video you bring out. We both have busy lives and can’t put 50 hours a week into editing video.”

Lee Jones Poker Book
