Best Basketball Betting Website

  • Precise basketball predictions for your betting needs. Get the best basketball value bets every day for the current & next weeks. Read our expert tips now!
  • Basketball Betting. Of their most recent games and also of the entire season, you will be in a good position to predict the kind of game to expect.
What You Need to Know About Basketball Before You Bet

Basketball betting sites including NBA, WNBA, and NCAA are discussed. These include the different types of wagers you can place.

Are you looking for the best basketball betting site options on the web? Good news! Our team of experts has worked hard to compile our guide to finding the top basketball betting sites. We’re extremely picky when it comes to selecting our favorite online sportsbooks, and we want to show you how we find them, so you can find a sportsbook catered specifically to your needs!

For those of you out there looking for something a bit more specific or a little more information to make your decision, stay tuned. In the coming sections, we’ll break down basketball betting by event and league, explain what makes a great site, get into the legality of betting basketball in the US, and introduce you to our awesome basketball betting strategy section.

Betting Guides by Event

When you buy a new car, you don’t just go to the dealer and say you want the best car. You usually go and tell them you want an SUV, or a sedan, or a good family car, or something like that. You don’t just want the best of the best, but you want the best that fits your specific wants and needs. This should be the same approach when it comes to US basketball betting.

You see, all online sportsbooks are not created equally. Some excel at certain sports, while others seem to be running circles in the dark. If you’re someone who wants to bet on the NBA, why would you ever use a site that didn’t offer the best in NBA betting? Or if you’re looking for March Madness action in particular, why not find the site offering the best action for that event?

We get this, and that’s why we’ve decided to offer our basketball betting recommendations based on the particular league or event that you’re looking to wager on. The best basketball betting sites are going to offer great action across the board, but some of them are going to excel in certain leagues or events. Because of this, we found it necessary to have separate guides. You can expect to see some crossover as some online sportsbooks crush it across the board.

If you’re ready to start betting on a specific basketball league or upcoming tournament or event, the links below will get you squared away.

  • College Basketball Betting
  • March Madness Betting
  • NBA Betting
  • NBA Finals Betting
  • WNBA Betting
Best basketball betting websites

Choosing the Best Basketball Betting Sites

We don’t want you to just take our word that the basketball betting sites we recommend are the best. In fact, we hope you don’t just take anyone’s word for anything on the internet without understanding where their recommendations are coming from. It’s not smart, and it can get you into trouble.

This should be no different when it comes to the world of online gaming. You should always ask questions and find out the why behind the suggestion or recommendation. As this is our position, we want to do our best to be transparent and let you know why we’ve decided to call these USA basketball betting sites the cream of the crop.

First, we want to point out that none of these online sportsbooks can pay us for a better ranking, review, or recommendation. Sure, they could pay us, and some have tried, but we don’t allow it. If we were to accept this, we’d be doing you an incredible disservice. We’d be sending you off to some shady sportsbook without any idea what you’re in store for. This is unacceptable for us and the reason that the only way any of these basketball betting sites made our list is through offering a superior service and product.

What does superior service and product mean, though? Well, when we review online sportsbooks, there is a long list of criteria that we take into account. Instead of boring you with the complete list, we want to show you the top three most important reasons to value sites highly.

Tons of Bets to Choose From

One of the biggest differences you’ll see when you go from one basketball betting site to another is the number of games they cover and the quantity of the bet types they offer. Some sportsbooks will offer the bare minimum of moneyline and totals bets on the high-profile games only. On the other end of the spectrum, you’ll have online sportsbooks offering tons of different types of wagers on every single game being played regardless of whether it is televised or drawing a lot of national media attention.

As you might expect, we’re big fans of the basketball betting sites that offer most options. If you take your sports betting seriously, you’re going to want as many options as possible. We talk a lot about a concept called betting flexibility, which refers to your ability (or inability) to bet on all of your game predictions.

For example, what happens if you have a game prediction that a certain NBA player is going to have a monster game, but you don’t know if that’s going to be enough for the team to win? If you don’t have a lot of betting flexibility and are stuck choosing between only a moneyline bet or a totals bet, you’re stuck. Sure, the player scoring a bunch of points will help the team in the game, and you could make a wager on the team to win, but that’s not really what your prediction is. This is like trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole.

Instead, if you’re betting with a site that offers you a lot of betting flexibility, you might be able to wager on specifically how many points that player will score. This usually is in the form of a totals bet and has absolutely nothing to do with which team wins the game. As long as the player you bet on scores more than the threshold you bet, you’ll win! You still win even if his team loses their game.

This is the environment that we want to be placing our basketball bets in. Whether we use the added bet options or not, we want to know they’re at our disposal in case we have a prediction we want to capitalize on. What kind of bet types are we looking for here? Well, first it begins with the number of games that any action is being offered on. With the NBA, most sites are going to offer you action on any regular-season game or postseason game.

But when you start looking at college basketball and the WNBA, this might not be the case. The sportsbook might offer you some action on the high-profile games but neglect to give you any sort of lines on the smaller conference or less popular games. Usually, this is due to a lack of adequate staff to properly set these lines or just plain laziness. Regardless of what it is, we don’t like it.

The second thing we look at is the number of bets available on each of these games. Are they just offering moneyline, spreads, and point totals bets? Do they offer any additional totals, alternate spreads, props, or futures? This is a scenario where more is always going to be better as long as the site has them organized well and not in a manner that confuses you or makes placing “simple” bets challenging.

The best basketball betting sites offer the most games and the most bet types across the board. If you are looking for a specific league or event, we do recommend checking out our guides in the section above broken down by league and event. While the main options will be more than sufficient for 99% of you, the more specialized options will ensure you’re getting the absolute most possible.

The Ability to Bet on the Go

Let’s face it – there are tons of basketball games every season. No, we are certainly not complaining, but this can create some challenges if you like to bet a lot of these games and you want to have some sort of normal quality of life. Sure, you can sit home glued to your desktop computer or at the local sportsbook waiting for optimal lines or chances to get the bets in that you want. But who really wants to do that?

It’s for this reason that we take a basketball betting site’s mobile betting options heavily into account. The online sports betting industry is advanced far enough along now that having the ability to bet on the go is becoming something that we require in order to recommend a site. In past years, it wasn’t a deal-breaker, but times are changing, and we now have options.

So, what exactly are we looking for, and what do we mean by a mobile betting option? Well, most online sportsbooks have a website you can access from your desktop computer to place your wagers. But this requires you to be at home. What many of these sportsbooks have now done is either create a standalone app you can download to your phone or smart device or a mobile-friendly website that you can access just like the desktop version except from your phone or smart device.

Basically, with either of these two options, you can place your basketball wagers from anywhere that you have your phone, tablet, or smart device and a phone or Wi-Fi connection. At the bar and want to check lines and get a bet in? You’re covered. At your kid’s soccer game and want to get a last-minute wager in? You’re all set. Stuck at a wedding and need to get some action? Yup, you are covered.

These are just a few examples where mobile betting can be important. Hopefully, it shows you why we hold it in such high accord. Can you really be expected to sit through a wedding without some sort of action going? We don’t think so.

Now, our analysis does not just stop when we see the existence of a mobile betting app or the coding for a mobile-friendly site. Most sites are at least trying to jump on the bandwagon these days and have some form of offering. What we look heavily at is quality. How good is this mobile betting option? Is it user-friendly? Is it easy to use, or does it make you want to throw your phone into a lake? Can you make all of the same wagers you can with the desktop version? Is it organized well where you can quickly find the bets you want to make? Is it glitchy, or does it have sufficient servers to support it?

These are just a taste of some of the questions our team asks when analyzing the quality of a basketball betting site’s mobile betting option.

Best Basketball Betting Website

Trust, Security, and Reliability

We should probably coin a phrase like “the big three” or something like that for these three criteria because they are by and far the most important things we have on this list. We spend the majority of our time on a site review looking at these three things. You might think that you can just look at an online sportsbook and tell if it’s reputable or not, but unfortunately, that is not the case. Our parents and teachers were right when they said you can’t judge a book by its cover. Who knew they were talking about online sportsbooks?

In all seriousness, trust, security, and reliability are the three things that we refuse to settle on when recommending an online sportsbook or basketball betting site. You need to know that your money is safe and that your bets are going to be honored in the way that you’re told they will be. You need to know that when you go to withdraw your winnings, you aren’t going to get the runaround, and you’ll get your funds in a timely manner. You need to know that when you’re on a particular sportsbook, your personal information is safe from hackers and internal threats, and you don’t have to worry about it ending up in the wrong hands.

Betting on basketball should be pain-free. The games themselves are loaded with enough adrenaline-pumping action that you don’t need to be driving that blood pressure up because of issues with the sites that you choose to bet with. The best way to make sure you don’t run into these problems is to bet with legal basketball betting sites that are regulated to protect you. This is why we take our job of recommending these sites so seriously. If we didn’t, you could end up betting with a site that doesn’t care about protecting you, your personal information, or your money.

If we see anything that even raises an eyebrow regarding trust, security, or reliability issues, we shut it down. No, we don’t shut the site down, but we shut them down from ever being recommended on our site. We blacklist them and make sure the world knows they need to be avoided. With literally thousands of online sportsbooks to choose from, there is zero reason you should ever have to place your action at anything less than the most trusted and reputable online books.

The Legality of Betting on Basketball

Living in the United States, you know that the government loves to regulate everything. When you want to buy a house, it’s regulated. When you want to eat at a restaurant, the food is regulated. When you want to have a drink, it’s heavily regulated. As you may well already know, the internet gaming industry is also regulated by federal and state laws. While most areas in the US are free and clear to do as they please when it comes to sports betting online, there are some areas that have restrictions and limitations.

One of the hardest things to do online is get accurate information about the legality of sports betting and betting on basketball in your specific area. Well, we want to help. We are not lawyers, and we always recommend contacting an attorney for an official answer, but we have a lot of experience in the industry, and we stay up to date on the legislation and legislative changes.

Best Basketball Betting Websites

Additionally, we have taken this legislation and broken it down state by state. The link below will take you to our state-by-state betting site guides and legal breakdowns. Each of the 50 states in the US has its own page with legal breakdowns, legislation changes, and betting site recommendations specifically for that state. So, if you’re looking to finally get the skinny on what you can and can’t do from your area, click below, and we will get you squared away.

Basketball Betting Guide The Next Step


Best Betting Website For Basketball

By now, you should have a pretty strong idea of where you want to check out to make your next round of basketball bets. The only thing left for you to do is create your account and start picking winners! But maybe you’re new to basketball betting, or it’s been a while since you’ve been in the game. We aren’t just going to send you out into the wild without some help. Our goal is to create winners here, not just more losing bettors who fall in line with the bad habits and tendencies of the betting public.

Best Basketball Betting Websites

Below, our expert team of basketball bettors has compiled a ton of guides, articles, and how-to’s to show you everything you need to know to crush basketball betting. There are guides for beginners, intermediate bettors, and those of you that might already identify as experts or professionals. Remember, the day you let your ego take control and you stop learning is the day the books will start getting the best of you. Let our experts help you take your basketball betting to the next level with our basketball betting guide linked below.